Wild Birds
Please note all information found on my Did You Know pages are from my own research and experiences. If you are concerned for your pets health and wellbeing, Please seek professional advice from your Veterinarian, Behaviourist or Trainer
Wild birds
So wild birds, in my house they are fed just as well as my other animals. they are fed a premium seed mix, suet balls, suet pellets and suet blocks. I also make sure that their bird baths are always clean and full of fresh water. I feed the birds all year round. In the spring and summer the birds are laying eggs and feeding their young so do need a higher energy food like suet because its takes a lot of energy to bring up the young, also when the fledglings leave the nest suet is easier for them to eat.
In the autumn and winter birds need the higher energy food to keep warm. I love feeding the wild birds and watching them. I have watched the baby birds grow and get their adult feathers. In my garden I get a huge variety starlings, wood pigeons, collared doves, Gould finches, house sparrows, blue tits , coal tits and many more.
In the spring I even had a daddy greater spotted woodpecker bring his 2 babies to my feeders, it was amazing. Their favorite food has to be suet but also sunflower hearts.
Wild birds can be very nervy animals so if you put food out give it time they will come eventually.
Use a food that is of good quality because a lot of wild bird food contains a lot of fillers like wheat and the birds will just throw it on the floor, this can lead to plants growing in your garden, unless you have the bigger birds coming down to feed like pigeons, they are really good at clearing up after the other birds that like to make a mess.
Two main important things to remember when feeding the wild birds are
Look what birds are around and get the right food accordingly
Please make sure you properly clean your feeders out with a bird safe disinfectant because salmonella and E.coli are big killers of our very beautiful wild birds.